Verbosity and A Philosophical View

Okay, I had been doing a lot of reading about various stuff and looking at other art and trying to make sense of my place or the place my work is at, in the universe of creativity, labeled "art making." One thing that I find myself doing is updating old works as time goes by, whether it be assimilating them into newer pieces or just simply creating a newer version with new things in it -- the beauty (and curse, perhaps) of the digital medium. Either way the end result is a new piece of art, in actuality. In my head I have tried to make sense of that, and why it's okay.

The philosophy I've then come up with regarding the creating of art includes the conclusion that a work is never truly finished. It merely exists in a particular state at any given point in time. A work of art continues to evolve even if it is only in its contextual relationship to the externally changing world in which it exists. In other words it changes only because the world in which it exist changes, therefore it cannot but be perceived differently than previously, by those that exist in the changed external world.

I suspect that sometimes a work of art, as a physically manifested extension of a living consciousness, can become "transpositionalized" through a given stream of reality, manifesting in other mediums and other places.

Yeah okay so all this verbosity is just the realization that the underlying nature of  creating art (musical or visual)  turns out to be a metaphysical thing after all...I'm good with that. And, I think that's quite enough coffee for one night...

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