The Weird & New Weird

I've always been intrigued by the Weird genre, though I must admit I have not read much other than H.P Lovecraft collections, but maybe I've read some stories that I was not aware that fit in the Weird category. I sort of think Ray Bradbury's work may fit here, but again not sure. Its another one of those things I want to spend time learning about (and there are many such things...). In any case this flavor of writing is great fodder for a rich imagination and has led me to producing illustration work inspired by my thus far limited reading. The pics here are samples of that output.

Additionally, in my research into *-punk art and writing (diesel, steam, atomic, what have you) I've recently come across Jeff Vandermeer's website and some of the work he and Ann Vandermeer have been involved, what cool stuff! Not to mention some of my own scratchings would be a perfect fit with their Weird fiction publishing (wink wink)! But now they've clued me into this "New Weird" flavor of the genre which sounds intriguing -- anything that has connective roots to pulp horror (according to Wikipedia anyhow) is something I need to check out...good thing they've a new book out on the subject which I just ordered. Now I can try to figure out what that's all about so I can produce some cool work for that shade of Weird as well.

The Corrupt One: An eater of souls breaks into our reality.

The Helper: Be careful when you reach for the pliers, especially if
you happen to be working on a quantum physics project in your basement...

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