Upcoming MileHiCon 43

In a mad dash to get stuff ready for Denver's MileHiCon 43 art show. Will have several new wall-mounted raydiopunk 3d pieces including a couple mounted weapons. If you don't know what raydiopunk is: its an art style I am in the process of deriving from Dieselpunk and related SF-genre visual styles, integrating it with my own speculative visions of alternate pasts and projected other realities. Really.

Also trying to finish up a few new illustrations from  which I'll be producing prints. Four weekends left and it's just crazy trying to get everything together...about ten different projects going on simultaneously. My daytime job commuting to Dallas for three months totally killed my schedule. Hopefully some of this work can translate to local non-SF shows which I think it can -- my work received positive feedback from a show at Core gallery on South Santa Fe in Denver this past Spring and has been seeing interest from some "art buyers" too so we'll see come 2012.

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