
Showing posts from October, 2011

Premiere of First Dieselpunk Work

Yay, so I am back from the MileHiCon 43 Science Fiction Convention art show in Denver, where my full size (12 x18) premiere of Dieselpunk work sold right out of the gate! Sniff, and I was getting attached too...the sucker took me about 45 hours to complete! Not easy when you have a full time day job, raising a family, blah blah. Though the 12 x 18 (modestly framed) is in an edition of forty, I will only have those available through shows. Online (Etsy, etc) I have created  a series of smaller prints (image reduced + cropped) from the full is a low resolution peek at one of those versions. Teleporter 23 - Copyright 2011 Alan R Jones. All rights reserved.

Verbosity and A Philosophical View

Okay, I had been doing a lot of reading about various stuff and looking at other art and trying to make sense of my place or the place my work is at, in the universe of creativity, labeled "art making." One thing that I find myself doing is updating old works as time goes by, whether it be assimilating them into newer pieces or just simply creating a newer version with new things in it -- the beauty (and curse, perhaps) of the digital medium. Either way the end result is a new piece of art, in actuality. In my head I have tried to make sense of that, and why it's okay. The philosophy I've then come up with regarding the creating of art includes the conclusion that a work is never truly finished. It merely exists in a particular state at any given point in time. A work of art continues to evolve even if it is only in its contextual relationship to the externally changing world in which it exists. In other words it changes only because the world in which it exist chan...

Spaceships rule

A detail from a piece about a spaceship (well what else?) encountering a deep space anomaly that appears to be a portal of some sort. Yes, there is always "story" behind my's what I strive to do when I create.

Dieselpunk in the works

A small detail previewing a just-about-completed experiment into "purpose-made" Dieselpunk art. Purpose-made as opposed to an illustration containing visual elements that someone might describe these days as being Dieselpunk, though such a reference would exist entirely by coincidence. For more background on this notion see earlier post "On The Effects of Discovering Deiselpunk, et al." I like how its coming along (now) though initially it was a struggle. Ah but what fun! The full-size, finished illustration will measure about 14 inches wide by 8 inches high.